Woodbridge RUFC acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults involved in rugby at our club.
It is EVERYONE’S responsibility at Woodbridge RUFC to report concerns. Woodbridge RUFC is committed to working in partnership with parents/carers and statutory welfare agencies in order to safeguard the young people at our club.
Woodbridge RUFC confirms that it adheres to all the RFU’s Safeguarding Policies and procedures, recommended practices and guidelines and furthermore endorse and adopt the statements contained in those documents.
These can be viewed at:
All coaches and adult helpers working with young people at Woodbridge RUFC will be made aware of good safeguarding practices and any poor practices will be addressed immediately.
Key Principles
For the definitions under ‘Child Protection’, a child is anyone under the age of 18 engaged in any rugby union activity. However, where a 17 year old male player is playing in the adult game it is essential that every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure his safety and wellbeing are protected.
The Key Principles of the RFU Welfare Policy are that:
- The welfare of the child or vulnerable adult (as appropriate) is, and must always be, paramount to any other consideration.
- All participants regardless of age, gender, ability or disability, race, faith, culture, size, shape, language or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse or harm and should be able to enjoy their rugby in a positive, safe and enjoyable environment.
- All allegations or suspicions of abuse, neglect, harm, discrimination and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately.
- Working in partnership with other organisations, statutory agencies, parents, carers, children and young people is essential for the welfare of
- Children have a right to expect support, and personal and social development delivered by an appropriately recruited and vetted adult.
Woodbridge RUFC Safeguarding Team
- Safeguarding Officer – Adam Lubbock safeguarding@woodbridgerugby.net/ 07502279497
- Deputy Safeguarding Officer – Chrissie Gordon 07824643284
- Deputy Safeguarding Officer – Claire Cole
- Deputy Safeguarding Officer – Ann Snowdon
To understand more about the clubs policy, you can see more information on our Safeguarding page: https://woodbridgerugbyclub.co.uk/safeguarding/
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