Adam Lubbock – Appointed President 2024-2025

Well, what an incredible honour.

Over recent years I have tried to get more involved in the club and give back a little of what I have taken out. To have the opportunity now to be the President of such a great rugby club is amazing.

There is no avoiding my family name at the club with dad Mike, founding member, first captain and also President for 23 years. To be honest the club has come a very long way from the 80’s/90’s days and this has been down to the development that Rob Simpson, Simon Bennett and more recently TJ Johnson have steered with the help of committee members and volunteers. All clubs rely upon volunteers and Woodbridge is no different.

The club has featured throughout my life. As a child both parents were active with running of the club, then as a teenager enjoying numerous parties at Hatchley Barn and then into my 20’s as a player. When I was a young player at the club in the late 80’s, there was no Junior section. It all started at U19 Colts level and then occasional games for one of the three senior teams. We had a really successful Colts team littered with county and regional players and also dominated the 7’s scene. Many of the players from that era still rock up at the club and some attend the ex players lunches. Last year this was a massive event and hopefully will be again this season.

I look forward to supporting Woodbridge Rugby Club in my new role as President and look forward to seeing many of you at the club over the season ahead.

Adam Lubbock

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