Code of Conduct

Woodbridge RUFC is committed to the well-being of all their members. All members, coaches, and parents should show respect and promote safety at all times. Concerns can be shared with committee members, coaches, managers, or appropriate officials.

All Members

All members agree to:

  • Abide by the club’s safeguarding policies, including rejecting cheating, racism, violence, drugs, and discrimination.
  • Pay membership fees on time and keep their details up to date in the RFU Game Management System (GMS).


Disciplinary Procedure

  • Breaches of the Code of Conduct will be subject to sanctions imposed by the Club’s Disciplinary Committee or the RFU. Disciplinary procedures can be requested in writing from the Hon Club Secretary or viewed on the club’s website.

Code of Conduct – Players

Woodbridge RUFC expects its players to:

  • Uphold rugby’s core values: Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship
  • Treat all participants with respect, regardless of gender, ability, or background.
  • Play within the Laws of the Game and reject cheating, racism, violence, and drugs.
  • Strive to win with dignity and lose with grace.
  • Respect officials, who are often volunteers, and appreciate their role in the game.
  • Recognize good play by both teammates and opponents.
  • Communicate your availability promptly, and be punctual for training and matches and inform your coach if running late.
  • Maintain high standards of behaviour and appearance on and off the field, remembering you are a role model for younger players.
  • Wear appropriate kit including mandatory gum shields for U18s
  • Post responsibly on social media to avoid misinterpretation.
  • Respect all club’s facilities, equipment, and staff whether home or away.
  • Behave appropriately when using club amenities, including the bar where appropriate.
  • Avoid actions that harm the club’s image or bring it into disrepute, including making inappropriate public or social media comments about club matters or match officials.
  • Play with discipline. Violence and verbal abuse is not acceptable on or off the pitch
  • Report any concerns about others’ behaviour, no matter how small.

Code of Conduct – Parents, Guardians, Carers and Spectators

Parents, guardians, carers and spectators are expected to:


  • Encourage children to learn and follow the rules.
  • Promote good sportsmanship and recognise effort over results.
  • Set a positive example by respecting officials and applauding good performances.
  • Support, but never force, children’s participation in sport.
  • Use appropriate language and behaviour at all times, whether at Woodbridge or visiting other clubs.
  • Help children take responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
  • Respect the club’s facilities and staff, behaving responsibly when using club amenities.
  • Represent the club positively and avoid behaviour that may damage its image.
  • Avoid making public comments that could bring the club into disrepute.
  • Accept the decisions of coaches, first aiders and match officials with grace.


Code of Conduct – Coaches, Officials, and Volunteers

Woodbridge RUFC expects coaches, officials, and volunteers to:

  • Prioritise player well-being and safety over performance.
  • Complete RFU recruitment and clearance processes before coaching or volunteering.
  • Disclose any changes in criminal records to the safeguarding team
  • Develop mutual trust and respect with players.
  • Ensure activities are appropriate for participants’ age, ability, and experience.
  • Promote the sport’s positive values and respect officials’ roles.
  • Uphold high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Follow all club and governing body guidelines and hold valid qualifications
  • Never condone rule-breaking, foul play, or the use of prohibited substances.
  • Encourage players to value effort over results and take responsibility for their
  • Respect the club’s facilities and staff, behaving appropriately when using amenities.
  • Represent the club positively and avoid public behaviour that may damage its image.
  • Not make public comments on club matters or officials’ performance.
  • Discourage verbal abuse or violence.