Presidents Lunch – 7th September & 1XV Warriors vs Mistley

Saturday 7th September 2024

Time: 12.30 - 1700    Location: Hatchley Barn, Orford Road, Bromeswell

We hope all is well with you and your families and you are managing to enjoy the last few days of summer!

Work is continuing to ensure the pitches and facilities are ready to host our first game of the Season next Saturday, 7th September, and we are straight into the League with a match against the newly promoted Mistley – KO is at 3pm.

We will also be hosting our President’s Buffet Lunch which will be at 1pm. Please let me know if you would like to join us, so we can make sure there’s enough food – remember this Lunch is on the Club as a thank you for dedication and support! RSVP to events@woodbridgerugby.net

If you are coming to the Club on 7th September you can pay your Annual or Lifetime Membership at that time; alternatively you can pay directly on GMS, or you can transfer the money to the Club bank account as follows:

Account Number: 10775916
Sort Code: 20 98 07
Reference: NAME VP Subs 2024-25

Annual VP subs for 2024-25 is £75 going up to £80 from 1st October, so get in early!

We hope to see as many of you as possible on 7th September to start the 2024-25 season in style!

Please can RSVP by no later than Tuesday 3rd September if you will join us for lunch.

We look forward to seeing you next week!

Tim Johnson


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