Wheelchair Rugby
Woodbridge Wheeled Warriors wheelchair rugby team trains on Sundays between 10.30am – 12.30pm at the Gym, Rock Barracks, Woodbridge IP12 3LU. The venue is perfect and also offers storage for the wheelchairs. We have started league wheelchair rugby with the new chairs from fundraising and have travelled to several league weekends already.
If you would like to try wheelchair rugby, or know someone that might like to give it a go, get in touch with Coach Joy on wheelchair-rugby@woodbridgerugby.net. You can arrange to come along, meet the team and watch what happens before you take part. There is no pressure to join until you are happy with the sport and arrangements.
Training Times
Training at the Gym, Rock Barracks, Woodbridge IP12 3LU Sundays, 10:30am – 12:30pm. If you want to come please remember to give your name & Reg no to Joy Elias (wheelchair-rugby@woodbridgerugby.net) by the Thursday prior.